John has contributed to - and been the subject of - many TV programmes, radio shows, magazine articles and newspaper features. Including:
Inside/Out - BBC1
Believe it or not! - ITV1
A Picture of Britain - BBC1
Monster Garage - Discovery Channel
Behind the Mysteries - National Geographic
Rough Science - National Geographic
The Great Pretenders - Channel 4
The World's Greatest Conspiracy Theories - Channel 5
The Richard and Judy Show - Channel 4
Top 10 Hoaxes - UKTV
History Vs Hollywood - History Channel
I Love 1991 - BBC2
Virtual Me - Channel 4
I Love 1989 - BBC2
Clive Anderson's Conspiracies - BBC2
Alt TV: Digit - Channel 4
The A to Z of the Paranormal - Channel 5
SLAM - Channel 4
Secrets of Stonehenge - Discovery Channel
Crop Circle Conspiracy - History Channel
Unmasked: The Secrets of Deception - NBC TV
Con Circles? - HTV
Cash Crop Circles - BBC1
Country File - BBC1
The A-Z of Hobbies and Obsessions, BBC2
Internet Tonight - ZDTV
BBC News, BBC1
Five News, Channel 5
Open Country - BBC Radio 4
World Business Report - BBC Radio World Service
Major articles have appeared in: National Geographic, The Sunday Telegraph, The Guardian, The Face, The Independent, The Daily Express, The Daily Mirror, The Daily Mail, The Sun, The Observer, The Daily Record, The Washington Post, USA Today, The Age and The Boston Globe.
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Buy John's book from: SA / Amazon

first earth battalion t-shirts Secret paranormal military clothing
 circlemakers.org My group's crop circle making activites

mythologist.co.uk Find out about my last film

jonronson.com I run Jon Ronson's website for him

ostension.org I try to explain what ostension is

 contact me: john@offkilter.co.uk mobile: +44 (0)771 575 4018

photo credit

© 2007 John Lundberg |