His introduction to
the web was in 1995 when he set up the circlemakers website, home of
England's crop circle makers. The site has received several awards,
including Guardian Site of the Year and a Yell UK Web award, as well as numerous
favorable reviews in the media.
His background is in the fine arts. He received a BA(Hons) Fine Art from
Middlesex University, an MA (Sculpture) from the Slade School of Art and exhibited for 5 years before taking an MA in
Hypermedia at The University of Westminster. He has worked with the artists
Langlands and Bell, given lectures on his work as an artist and taught at several universities.
John was born on the 5th December 1968 and assuming nothing untoward happens to him, it is estimated that he should be dying around about the 16th February 2048.
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Buy John's book from: SA / Amazon

first earth battalion t-shirts Secret paranormal military clothing
 circlemakers.org My group's crop circle making activites

mythologist.co.uk Find out about my last film

jonronson.com I run Jon Ronson's website for him

ostension.org I try to explain what ostension is

 contact me: john@offkilter.co.uk mobile: +44 (0)771 575 4018

photo credit

© 2007 John Lundberg |